Introducing Chef Keisha
“The Boss of the Batter”
Keisha Renee was born in Detroit, Michigan. It was there that she learned to cultivate the harmonic rhythm and blues of Motown into a rip-roaring tale of extravagant and top-notch culinary art. Keisha developed her passion for cooking in her Detroit home with her warm-hearted mother and in the homes of both of her stately grandmothers. It’s where she was taught the art of creating everyday dishes with love, warmth, and appreciation. Keisha began taking culinary classes in high school and continued to develop her art for spices in vocational school. Keisha is heralded as a trailblazer. It is clear that she is well on her way with her no- holds barred appeal for mouth-watering creative cuisine. You’re welcome to come and sit at the table.